Bitrix24 Corporate Portal

A comprehensive solution for automating the management of the entire company: CRM, intranet, project office, HR portal.



Task and project management

  • Create, assign, and track tasks in a single interface.

  • Dividing tasks into subtasks for easy control.

  • Automation of work processes using task templates.

  • Setting deadlines and reminders for participants.

  • Using Kanban boards to visualize the work process.

  • The ability to attach files and comments to tasks.


Corporate portal

  • Uniting all employees of the company in a single information space.

  • Maintaining an internal chat and news feed for quick information exchange.

  • Integration with popular corporate messengers.

  • Create and manage project groups.

  • The ability to publish news and announcements for all employees.

  • Setting up personalized pages for each employee.


CRM system

  • Customer relationship management and accounting of all interactions.

  • Sales automation and funnel creation to improve conversion.

  • Analytics and reports for monitoring the performance of the sales department.

  • The ability to segment customers for a personalized approach.

  • Integration with electronic mail services to automate emails.

  • Create templates of offers and contracts for quick registration.


Electronic document management

  • Storing, searching and sharing documents in cloud storage.

  • The ability to edit documents together in real time.

  • Signing documents with an electronic signature.

  • Setting up access to documents for different categories of users.

  • Automation of document approval and approval processes.

  • Maintaining a version history of documents to track changes.


Personnel management

  • Maintaining personnel records, including vacation and sick leave.

  • Automation of the process of adaptation of new employees.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness and motivation of employees through KPIs and goals.

  • Conducting surveys and questionnaires of employees to improve the climate in the team.

  • Managing work schedules and payroll.

  • Create and store employee profiles with their achievements and skills.


Virtual call Center

  • Processing incoming and outgoing calls directly from the system.

  • Recording conversations and analytics to improve the quality of service.

  • Integration with CRM for automatic saving of customer data.

  • Using auto-call to increase sales efficiency.

  • Set up call routing to quickly connect to the right specialist.

  • Reports on operator performance and call success analysis.


Cloud solution

A boxed solution

Options Basic Standard Professional
Number of users 5 50 100
Disk space 24 Gb 100 Gb 1024 Gb
Tasks and projects
Contact center
Online store
Documents online
End-to-end analytics
Automation of business processes
Cost, per month when buying for a year 288 000 UZS 875 000 UZS 1 750 000 UZS
Options Corporate portal
Number of users 50 100 250 500
e-Commerce platform
Documents online
Cost per year 19 000 000 UZS 27 000 000 UZS 41 000 000 UZS 70 000 000 UZS



Making an application: tell us about your desire to implement a Corporate portal, tell us about your company and the goal that you want to achieve with Bitrix 24.


Preparation for implementation: we will familiarize ourselves with the structure of your business, to form implementation tasks and select the Tariff that is suitable for you.


System Implementation: Our specialists will install the system and make the appropriate settings, assign roles, create departments and integrate external services.


Staff training: our specialists will train your employees to use the corporate portal, and we will also train managers in methods of task execution control using built-in tools.


Technical support: our specialists will always be in touch in case of new requests or an unforeseen situation.